Institute for Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology
Dr. Pedro Montoya
Research interests:
Some interesting Links in Psychophysiology:
Society for Psychophysiological Research(internet-link: "")
Psychophysiology WWW Directory(internet-link: "")
Neurosciences on the Internet
Psychology in Europe(internet-link: "")
Science in Spain:
The Spanish Council for Scientific Research(internet-link: "")
Research centers in Andalusia(internet-link: "")
Catalan Foundation for the Research(internet-link: "")
For suggestions:
Psychophysiology of chronic pain
Larbig, W., Montoya, P., Flor, H., Bilow, H., Weller, S., & Birbaumer, N. Evidence for a change in neural processing in phantom limb pain patients,
Manuscript accepted for publication in Pain
. Abstract
Montoya, P., Larbig, W., Grulke, N., Flor, H., Taub, E., & Birbaumer, N. The relationship of phantom limb pain with other phantom limb phenomena in upper limb amputees,
Manuscript accepted for publication in Pain
. Abstract
Link to Research Group Clinical Psychophysiology of Pain
Classical conditioning
Montoya, P., Larbig, W., Pulvermueller, F., Flor, H., & Birbaumer, N. (1996). Cortical correlates of classical semantic conditioning.
Manuscript accepted for publication in Psychophysiology
. Abstract
Stress and cardiovascular reactions
Montoya, P., Brody, S., Beck, K., Veit, R., & Rau, H. Stress reactivity and specificity of cardiovascular psychophysiological measures,
Manuscript accepted for publication in European Journal of Applied Physiology
. Abstract
Rau, H., Weitkunat, R., Brody, S., Bⁿhrer, M., Jonak, M., & Montoya, P. Biofeedback of R-wave to pulse interval produces differential learning of blood pressure control,
Biofeedback and Self-regulation,
Brody, S., Maier, C., Montoya, P., & Rau, H. (1994). Speaking from the heart: cardiovascular components of stress rating changes and the relative reactivity of physiological and psychological variables.
European Journal of Applied Physiology, 69
Gsellhofer, B., Montoya, P., Mⁿller, A., Piesbergen, C., & Schandry, R. (1992). Zum Zusammenhang zwischen Stressbewaeltigung und Blutdruckreaktion.
Zeitschrift fuer experimentelle und angewandte Psychologie, 39
Mueller, A., Schandry, R., Montoya, P., & Gsellhofer, B. (1992) Differential effects of two stressors on heart rate, respiratory sinus arrhythmia, and T-wave amplitude.
Journal of Psychophysiology, 6
Psychophysiology of emotion
Pauli, P., Dengler, W., Wiedemann, G., Montoya, P., Birbaumer, N., Flor, H., & Buchkremer, G. Behavioral and neurophysiological evidence for altered processing of anxiety-related words in panic disorder,
Manuscript accepted for publication in Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Pauli, P., Montoya, P., & Martz, G-E. Covariation bias in panic-prone subjects,
Manuscript accepted for publication in Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Mini, A., Rau, H., Montoya, P., Palomba, D., & Birbaumer, N. (1995). Baroreceptor cortical effects, emotions, and pain.
International Journal of Psychophysiology, 19
Schandry, R., & Montoya, P. (1996). Event-related brain potentials and the processing of cardiac activity.
Biological Psychology, 42
Montoya, P., Campos, J.J., & Schandry, R. (1995). Aspectos psicofisiologicos de la autopercepcion cardiaca.
Psicologica, 16
, 27-48. Abstract
Montoya, P., & Schandry, R. (1994). Emotional experience and heartbeat perception in patients with spinal cord injury and control subjects.
Journal of Psychophysiology, 8
Montoya, P., Schandry, R., & Mueller, A. (1993). Heartbeat evoked potentials (HEP): topography and influence of cardiac awareness and focus of attention.
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 88
Schandry, R., Bestler, M., & Montoya, P. (1993). On the relation between cardiodynamics and heartbeat perception.
Psychophysiology, 30
Bestler, M., Alt, E., Montoya, P., & Schandry, R. (1992) Einfluss von Koerperposition auf Herzfrequenz und kardiozirkulatorische Parameter unter Belastung - Implikationen fuer frequenzadaptierende Schrittmachersysteme.
Zeitschrift fⁿr Kardiologie, 81
Health Psychophysiology
Mueller, A., Montoya, P., Schandry, R., & Hartl. L. (1994). Changes in physical symptoms, blood pressure and quality of life over 30 days.
Behavior Research and Therapy, 32
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